Seminar and Discussion on Disaster Management (オンラインミナー)に参加しました

October 27, 2021 ( 13.00 PM Indonesia Time)
Organizer : Disaster Study Centre, Hasanuddin University Indonesia.
Master of Disaster Management, Graduate School of Hasanuddin University.
Theme of Seminar : Towards More Advanced Indonesia in Disaster Literacy and Education.

Speaker :
Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, ST., M.Phil
Head of Disaster Study Centre, Hasanuddin University Indonesia

Yasunori Shoji
OYO Corporation, Japan

Dr. Nuraini Rahma Hanifa
Research Centre for Geotechnology, Earth Sciences Research Organization, The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

Yari Irei
Challenge Corporation, Japan

Moderator :
Dr. Eng. Muhammad Zulkifli Mochtar, ST.M.Eng
Okabayashi Jaya Corporation, Japan

About the author: admin