Smarter and Stronger Community Development

A Smarter Community needs some effective systems and advanced technology. To reach it, some processes need active participation of citizens and professionals for a stronger community development. Each areas also faces specific issues with different priority approach.

Some of Our Activities

Natural Disaster Preparedness

Various natural disasters occurred in Japan every year. Apart from earthquakes and tsunami, there are several of typhoons that regularly hit Japan in September to October every year. That is one reason Disaster Preparedness among Japanese people is already well educated from level of basic schools.

Indonesia’s geographic is strongly influenced by activity of collision of three major world plates : Indo – Australian Plate, Eurasian Plate and Pacific Plate, resulting Indonesia as one of the most earthquake and tsunami prone areas in the world.

More prepared before disaster strike could minimize damage and recovery process is faster. One of applicable preparation solution is technology for flood measurement.

The other solution is a Sensor Alarm System for alert warning issues before arrival of strong shaking. Promoting the system can be considered as one effective evacuation system solution for housing, rural, manufacture, schools, hotel or other public facilities.

Comfortable Mobility for All

One purpose of transportation system is how to provide comfortable mobility for all segment of users. In here, Non Motorized Transport is one of efficient important mode and provides many benefits for environment, energy saving and health on the overall.

Unfortunately, unavailability of cycling infrastructure is one of transport issues. Narrow Sidewalks and its discontinuing also force pedestrians mobility must use road shoulder. In some area, the condition become more crowded with presence of illegal on street parking that disturb comfortableness and the smoothness of users movement.

We now on the process to conducting a comprehensive study and research on enhancing more better physical and walking environments in the city to support the comfortableness of people mobility including the elderly and disabilities persons.

Smart Living and Renewable Energy

Smart Living is one important aspect to create Smarter Community. Also an efficient systems to manage energy use, lighting, ventilation and electronic devices that can be controlled automatically.

Together with our local partners, We are in the process of initiating the potential for a smart living home with a comfortable, secure and healthy design for middle-income families.

In term of sustainable development, the usage renewable energy resources is important solution. In some rural areas in Indonesia, water supply services is still managed by the community using naturally occurring springs, rainwater, and ground water. In here, more promoting the usage of solar panel energy, solar water pump and other renewable energy resources can be an affordable solution to provide reliable and effective energy and water supplies especially in the rural areas.

Education – Skill Improvement

Education is an important factor in Smart Urban Development. We want to participate in education development by conducting E-Skill Learning, Online Language Courses, International Seminars, Workshops and Training, book publishing and digest writing.

On process toward it, Reading Literacy is a basic of all learning. In case of Japan, efforts to build reading culture are made from kindergartens to create an environment where kids can get closer to reading during their growth stage. We would like involve in Reading Literacy Improvement through conduct some activities to build better reading culture environments in Indonesia.

Proposal Solution ( Earthquake Sensor Alarm System).pdf

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